Thursday, March 24, 2011

City you most want to visit.

I have to say, I REALLY want to visit Paris. It's always been a dream of mine. I cannot wait to go to on my trip.

My girlfriend went to Paris for almost two weeks, and she said she absolutely loved it. It was so different.

She said it is a very relaxed atmosphere compared to here in the US. The waiters/waitresses won't give you your check unless you ask. Much different from a lot of restaurants here, where as soon as you get your food, there is your check as well.

She also said a lot of the architecture is really beautiful. I love older buildings and great architecture. I'm also really excited to see the Louvre. I've always liked art, and have always wanted to see it. After seeing it in a lot of movies when I was a kid, it's always been something I couldn't wait to do.

So, my awesome followers, what city do YOU want to visit most?


  1. Florence. Something about the architecture is just breath-taking. I aspire to visit one day.

  2. mm i always wanted to pay Venice a visit one day

  3. I've always wanted to go to Paris too, the view from pictures makes it look amazing. I'd really love to shop and travel around a lot of places in Europe :)

  4. Well, i really can't choose to be honest. Going to be taking alot of trips before my life is over.

  5. awesome i wana visit paris too

  6. I always wanted to go to Pyonyonang or however you spell it.

  7. I've always wanted to to to Prague. It's so beautiful!

  8. Paris is amazing i love that city.

  9. Beautiful city, cannot be described in words...

  10. I could totally visit there, too! Thanks for stopping by my blog. appreciated!

  11. Paris, Spain, and Germany - I know, not really cities but places! I've never been to Europe, though. Following.

  12. I went to Paris last year, It was a nice trip.

  13. I'd love to travel the world and visit every major city, but if I had to choose, I'd chose L.A. Simply because I have never been in the US and the city looks great!

  14. beautiful image. i need to do some travelling.

  15. Paris does sound pretty cool, i think id like to go there also!

  16. I think Rome, or possibly Tokyo. Followed!

  17. Either Paris or Rome..

    I LOVE cities with centuries and centuries worth of rich history.

  18. I must say I'd love to visit Norway, the whole country, maybe Bø or Oslo. :)

  19. Paris sounds like a great city. Hopefully I will be able to go there in the near future.

  20. First chance I get, I'm going to visit Paris.
    My friends went earlier this year, I'm so jealous.

  21. I'd like to go to alaska one day, heard its beautiful

  22. I remember being in Paris when I was 4, but I don't remember much outside of the hotel.

  23. Paris is a beautiful city, would like to visit sometime also!

  24. Germany is some place I've always wanted to go.

  25. I'm German..Interesting post/blog, following

  26. id love to visit cities around the world. i want to be able to travel :O

  27. I want to visit Tehran. Went once, absolutely gorgeous with incredibly nice people. They hate the American government, but bear no hate towards the citizens.

  28. Germany, seems like a cool place from my friends' descriptions. :D

  29. there was a trip this year to europe and i missed out. So mad bro. Good stuff.

  30. London sounds fun, going to Canada this year though :)

  31. Really none in particular, I wanna visit a lot of them.

  32. I'd say Paris is a bit overrated, but it might have something to do with the age is was when i visited last, like 8 years ago. Might be different now when im older :/ it does look spectacular on that picture though, i dont remember it anything like that

  33. City or cities?

    Cause there isn't just one.

    Paris, France(obviously)
    Hamburg, Germany
    Rome, Italy
    Tokyo, Japan (Although not at the moment)
    Dublin, Ireland

    Hell, I wanna go all around the world. :D

  34. Ditto on Florence. Much of Italy, really.

  35. I never did get to visit Paris while I was in France. Went to Nice and Orange, along the Mediterranean coast.

    To those wanting to see Florence. Good god do it. It is one of the most amazing cities I have ever been to. Pure beauty.

  36. I want to go to Las Vegas. I've already been there before, but this time I want to go there on a psychotic, mescaline/lsd-driven drug binge that will leave me wondering how I woke up where I woke up
